Friday, September 26, 2008

Courtney S. Assignment #4c.

Indian Education for all is an important aspect to have in the classroom because the students should learn about different cultures. One thing I learned about Indian Education for all was teachers have to be aware of the bias that comes from teaching the Euro-American way. Students are reading books that are not accurate so it is important for the teacher to find ways to show the students the truth. Another thing I learned was if children are not taught the accurate information about Native Americans they will not know what to believe about Indians and just believe what they read.
I would have a Native American guest speaker come to the classroom so the children can learn about the culture and traditions. Also I would incorporate games that would help the students to learn about Native Americans. The students could also do a project on Native Americans so they can find information about them and do their own research this way they might find something that they did not know.


EDCI Student said...

I think that having a guest speeaking come into the classroom is definitely a great way to get students informed about what is really going on in reservations today.
Stephanie O.

EDCI Student said...

I agree that learning from the source is a much more dramatic and effective technique than reading from a book or watching a movie. My education involved a lot of speakers from various tribes as well as an array of field trips including pow wows and river honoring ceremonies. I have vivid memories of these events, where as the information I read has long left my memory.
Heidi F.