Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mark D, P.235 #5

Two technologies I found were an inflatable movie screen and a .25mm think portable speaker. Both of these forms of technology could be very useful for the classroom. Many teachers like to take advantage of nice weather. The portable movie screen would allow for mobility of the class outside or somewhere else in the school but still allow the teacher to give a lesson or show a video. The portable speaker would allow for the teacher to be able to move freely with the speaker around the class instead of standing in one spot. Both forms of emerging technology are relatively affordable and could be useful.


EDCI Student said...

This idea of implementing mobility during your lessons sounds really convenient. It sounds like using a portable movie screen and portable speakers would free up your movements as a teacher.

Whitney Baum

EDCI Student said...

I like the fact you can use the mobility of your tools to your advantage. Its a great idea and i think it will be greatly used in your classroom or out. :D

EDCI Student said...

I like the fact you can use the mobility of your tools to your advantage. Its a great idea and i think it will be greatly used in your classroom or out. :D

Dan Ogden