Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ashley I
Assignment #12a
When conducting my internet research on emerging technologies I came across a sight that featured the top ten emerging technologies of our time and I found a few of them that were very interesting. One such technology entitled “A New Focus for Light”, described how electrical engineers are finding a way to make DVD-like discs that store 3.6 terabytes of data—the equivalent of more than 750 of today’s 4.7-gigabyte recordable DVD’s. This would make it possible for one DVD to hold WAY more information/movies than the current design we have now. Mostly this would help educators save money on the cost of DVD’s used for educational purposes and also this new technology is something that higher educated students might be able to expand upon in the electrical engineering realm.
Another interesting emerging technology entitled “Personalized Medical Monitors” is the use of computers to automate some diagnostics which could make the practice of medicine more personal. The researcher believes that computers can help doctors efficiently interpret the ever growing masses of data that are acquired for each patient. By quickly perceiving patterns that might otherwise be buried, software may provide the key to more precise and personalized medicine and possibly predict or prevent a serious medical complication. This technology would be very helpful for all of the medical field, especially the medical students who could spend their time focusing more on learning about the material needed to perform their job well instead of keeping records and data organized.


EDCI Student said...

I think I found the same website. Those seem like really exciting new ideas.


EDCI Student said...
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