Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Katie V.D Assignment 5

Katie V.D.
Assignment #5

One new emerging technology found today is the touch screen. This is used everywhere, cellphones, grocery stores,museums, and restaruants. Touch screens are replacing keyboards and the use of the mouse. This could be helpful in education but it really deals with hand eye coordination still while dealing with technology. Kids need to learn how to use this because when they get out into the real world they will need to be able to use them. It could also be used in special education. Some kids cannot understand how to use the keyboard and mouse but with a touch screen it will be easier for them to operate their computer. Touch screens can also be used as motivation for students to study. As a teacher you could put reviews on computers and they can use the touch screen to study.
Another form of new emerging technology is robotics. This is a computer program involving physics and math. This could really only be used for upper high school students, but it would be a fun way for them to become excited about math and physics. with this program they could create a moving robot.

Whitney Baum assignment #12a quiz

In regard to question #14 on page 236, I will reflect on my reaction to the emerging teaching technology of the SmartBoard. In response to Roger's five-step acceptance process, I would say I am currently on step 4: IMPLEMENTATION. I have gained some KNOWLEDGE of the SmartBoard's technology and teaching implications (step 1), which started my acceptance process. In order for me to put that knowledge to use, I had to have someone to PERSUADE me (step 2) and teach and propose to me different ways in which I could use a SmartBoard in my classroom. Step 3 is my DECISION to adopt this technology for my teaching purpose, which I feel is a great idea in my future of teaching Health Enhancement. Now I have reached step 4, IMPLEMENTATION of this technology, for which I am currently building a unit plan around that assists in teaching students the triple jump. I will not reach step 5, CONFIRMATION, until I have used a SmartBoard lesson in front of a class of students; it is then that I will be able to evaluate the efficacy of my use of this emerging technology as a teaching tool. For now, the plan looks good.

Mark D, P.235 #5

Two technologies I found were an inflatable movie screen and a .25mm think portable speaker. Both of these forms of technology could be very useful for the classroom. Many teachers like to take advantage of nice weather. The portable movie screen would allow for mobility of the class outside or somewhere else in the school but still allow the teacher to give a lesson or show a video. The portable speaker would allow for the teacher to be able to move freely with the speaker around the class instead of standing in one spot. Both forms of emerging technology are relatively affordable and could be useful.

Caroline S. pg. 235#5

I searched emerging technologies and found a technology I have never heard of called RSS or Really Simple Syndication, which is an xml-based format used to share headlines and other web content. I think this technology would be especially useful for teachers to share ideas on what to do in the classroom. I think it's very important for teachers to share their ideas in order to have creative lesson plans. Teachers are great resources and RSS would be useful for sharing ideas found on the web. Students could also use RSS to share their ideas with peers all across the country.
I also found out about robotics, which I have heard of, but was interested in learning how to use them in a classroom. Robotics are a fun way of learning about physics, computer science, engineering and mathematics.Students also learn about the software and technology behind how robots and robotics work. I think it would provide them interest in technology and subjects they may not have previously been interested in.

Dan Ogden assignment 12a

A new emerging technology that is starting to catch a trend is distant learning. On the website Distant Learning Homepage of Western Carolina University, they define distant learning as "the delivery of instruction to the right group of people at the right time in the right place. The educator and the learner may be separated by time, distance, or both. It may or may not include technology." Rapid advances in computer and telecommunications capabilities have made possible the development of learning modules that include elements such as video transmission, e-mail, the Internet, and the World Wide Web.

To apply this to your education experience, you can use Distant Learning if you can not be in the classroom physically but over the internet and through a tv. This would be better then leaving instructions on a piece of paper for a substitute. Instead it feels as if your presence is still in the classroom even though you could be a million miles away.

Monica Burns assignment 12a

I found a technology that Crayola is coming out with, to help beginning students with learning to type and use the mouse effectively. Crayola has made a keyboard and mouse designed with the beginning technology learner. The keyboard is colorful and has bigger keys to help the student learn to type easier, while at the same time keeping their attention of the lesson because of its colorful design. They are also creating a mouse to go along with the keyboard that has a bigger design with bigger right and left click buttons to make it more user friendly, an encourage greater movement control. It is also made to catch the users attention because of its light up mechanisms and globe of water at the end with an island inside. This type of technology will encourage the students to want to use the computers due to the "fun" learning environment that is created by the colorfulness of the technology.

Digital Pens: Morgan Norgaard 12a

Digital Pens have been an emerging technology for some time now. If you don't know what a digital pen is i would highly recommend you get familiar with them because i believe there going to be a big thing in the teaching world. This Technology is not only going to become popular with the teachers but for the students because it provides all the benefits of of taking notes but the digital pen has full Flash memory capabilities. Completely portable, users can write, sketch and draw freely anywhere, using regular paper, while the device simultaneously captures and stores all handwritten text and drawings in real-time to the Flash memory.
I think this will be a great tool for children in a sense that they will be able to download all the notes they take in class and be able upload them onto there computer for easier studying and editing there notes.

pg. 235 #5

I learned about an educational technology called virtual field trips. Unlike sitting in a classroom, students can use the internet to explore endless opportunities.

"Unlike movies and books, the Internet is interactive. Your students can ask scientists, astronauts, and mathematicians questions, watch frog dissections, participate in real-time discussions with students and professionals around the world." Cooper, Gail; Cooper, Garry "Virtual Field Trips," Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1997: 168p

Allison C. #12a

Pg 235 # 5

I found an emerging technology called Delicious. It is a social bookmarking site. By using this site you can access your bookmarks from any computer. As a teacher you could make bookmarks for various pages and then give all of your students access to those pages from home, a computer lab, or their local coffee shop.

I also found many of the same technologies we have been using in class such as Blogs and Wikis. You can use these in the classroom by posting notes or exam study guides. The students can also use them as a way to interact with each other about homework or test questions.

Bret Kinslow Assignment 12a

Bret Kinslow

Page 236 - #14.
When it comes to the concept of the Blog, I really can see how I have used Everett Rogers five steps for implementing its use in education

Knowledge: I became aware of the technology in fairly early in its life, and have seen it used in a multitude of ways

Persuasion: Originally my opinion of it was rather negative. However, I have seen it progress into an incredibly efficient tool, one rife with prospects for both evaluation collaboration and a whole host of different opportunities for engaging higher level thinking.

Decision: Having partaken in a few courses utilizing the technology as well as observing its utility by internet news sites and so on, I have come to the conclusion that it is definitely a useful technology.

Implementation: While I myself have not used Blogs as an educational instrument as an instructor, I have been engaged with them first-hand, and firmly believe that they are a useful tool. I have witnessed their utilization to great effect.

Confirmation: I have, being a person who has used these in a class – as well as being a avid internet surfer – seen both efficient and not so efficient use of the implement and feel I have had occasion to adapt the idea. In its most basic form, I can easily see how one might overlook its incredible potential. It is not a necessarily an immediately rewarding process, it requires support and inspiration. With the right amount of foresight as an instructor, students can learn to utilize multiple types of media, reflection, and collaboration to gain a firmer grasp of any content – and thus facilitating higher level learning.

Terry P Assignment #12

I am amazed at all the possible technologies that we and our students will be able to incorporate into their education. After researching a few emerging technologies, I found that the one that fascinated me most was Markus Kähäri’s work at Nokia. His project, known as Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, is similar to the virtual tours many of us have taken when looking at things like, museums and real estate online. He and his research team is taking the concept a little further, however, and it is leading to the possibilities of traveling throughout an entire city without actually being there at all. The application is being developed for cell phones, but the benefits of something like this on the computer would also be great. This technology is much like Google Earth except a bit more refined. Instead of staring at rooftops, one can find themselves in an actual city.

I think these technologies would really get students more interested in a variety of subjects. Geography classes would obviously benefit from this kind of technology, but there are many other possibilities for other classes. Marketing students could really get a feel for what their signs would look like from the street in Time Square and students studying art and architecture could virtually walk around a building that they had just read about in their text books.

#12a Kyla Hendry

Question #14
Probeware is a relatively new technology to me. I first encountered it when I took my general chemistry classes here at MSU. These classes are where I gained knowledge of the technology, and it didn’t take long to be persuaded into liking the technology. Through several chemistry classes I have used probeware (mainly temperature and pH). Using this technology in labs definitely made it easier, there was much less chance of error in measurements, and my results directly correlated to the minimal error. Probeware is a form technology that I would like to eventually use in my classroom if there is enough funding to have it in the school. Students would benefit from the use of the technology, it would cut down in error, lab time, and prepare students for the use of probeware in university classes. Confirmation of using probeware would have to come after I start teaching, from my experience using probeware I think it would work well in the lab, but would have to evaluate the resources I had available, and the group of students, grade level and topics I would be teaching.

Chapter 10, Question 5, Charles Tewalt

The emerging technology that I have chosen is the handheld computing/interactive devices. This technology appeared i the form of calculators several decades ago. Calculators revolutionized mathematics, physics, sciences,chemistry, and daily life. Since then these devices have evolved into cell phones, palm pilots, and PDA's. With computers becoming ever smaller the handheld computers will soon be available at levels affordable to most school districts.

Benefits include the size differences between computers and handheld devices which make storage easier when not in use. Teachers will not have scheduling conflicts and compromises with other teachers for computer lab use. Distribution and collection of the handheld devices will take far less time than moving the entire class to a computer lab and seating the students. Handheld devices cost far less than a computer system would allowing for more in each classroom, as opposed to several students sharing 2-3 in-classroom computers. The biggest feature is that in a classroom already equipped with computers for each student, when the computers are not in use during instruction the monitor is a huge visual obstruction/distraction. Handheld devices will eliminate this once and for all.

Zach M Assignment #12a

Digital pen tablets have been around for several years now, but only recently have they become inexpensive and dependable enough to integrate into the classroom. Digital pen tablets offer a way for students to combine their own unique artwork with multimedia projects such as powerpoint presentations or reports. Student-generated illustrations can now be included without the hassle of scanning, which often reduces the quality of an image. Furthermore, attempting to use a mouse as a 'pen' on computer based drawing programs does not produce the same quality as using a pen or pencil does, a problem the digital pen tablet solves. Currently, educators can find these tablets for about $200, which would make a valuable contribution to any classroom with visual, spatial, or artistic learners.

Mike Jones #12a

I was thinking about emerging technologies and i agree with Julie. Smart board is one of the greatest tools that a student has the possibility of using. When i was in Tech Ed when i saw a movie from Woodriver Middle school which is one of the top technology middle schools in the USA and they were using a Smart board in 2000. Students can use this while incorporating how they learn with teaching a sample lesson to the class. there are a varities of ways a student can use this
Ashley I
Assignment #12a
When conducting my internet research on emerging technologies I came across a sight that featured the top ten emerging technologies of our time and I found a few of them that were very interesting. One such technology entitled “A New Focus for Light”, described how electrical engineers are finding a way to make DVD-like discs that store 3.6 terabytes of data—the equivalent of more than 750 of today’s 4.7-gigabyte recordable DVD’s. This would make it possible for one DVD to hold WAY more information/movies than the current design we have now. Mostly this would help educators save money on the cost of DVD’s used for educational purposes and also this new technology is something that higher educated students might be able to expand upon in the electrical engineering realm.
Another interesting emerging technology entitled “Personalized Medical Monitors” is the use of computers to automate some diagnostics which could make the practice of medicine more personal. The researcher believes that computers can help doctors efficiently interpret the ever growing masses of data that are acquired for each patient. By quickly perceiving patterns that might otherwise be buried, software may provide the key to more precise and personalized medicine and possibly predict or prevent a serious medical complication. This technology would be very helpful for all of the medical field, especially the medical students who could spend their time focusing more on learning about the material needed to perform their job well instead of keeping records and data organized.

Charlie Bruner 12a

The techonology that I looked at isn't quite emerging per say, but being refined to the point that it is usefull. The technology I am talking about is a microlab application. What microlab is, is a interface of lab probes with a computer i.e. temperature probe, termal couple, pH probe. The exciting application of this in a high school setting is that students can use the computer to collect all their data for an experiment with one machine, analyze it, and print. Most older labs use analog or manual probes. The students learning can be assess by how accurate their data is that they collected. This would measure their ability to use the technology and their understanding of the technology.

Julie P #14

I became aware of smartboards when I went to observe a high school classroom last year. I watched how it was used and some problems the students were having using it. Right away, I thought they were fascinating and interesting. A decision about them was formed by using them and talking to teachers and students that used them. I found them to be much more useful and helpful than they were confusing. During the making of my I-movie, I decided to use the smartboard in the background as an explanation tool, which confirmed my thoughts that they are a good, useful technology for the classroom.

Korey Alfred-Assignment 12a #5

When searching for an emerging technology, I came across an article about an intelligent software assistant. This technology will allow a computer to learn and develop according to the needs and personality of its user. This is especially helpful in a classroom setting, where many different types of people are represented. The computer technology has the potential to facilitate the needs of students in a variety of settings, but especially when the student is undertaking a difficult task. This tool will make researching much easier and provide a more "personal" relationship with the next generation computers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Julia Noel - #6

When searching emerging technologies online I came across the idea of virtual labs. This may seem as it is meant for older students but I think it could also be incorporated into elementary schools. It is a way or having pre-labs, alternate homework assignments other then textbooks and in-class activities that are all online. This would still work in elementary classrooms because the labs could be easier but still fun. It is a way of getting students to use technology. This way evaluations can still be done online also. Virtual labs may also be more exciting and keep students more engaged. This sounds like a great technology to use in classrooms!

Matt L Assignment #12a

Vivek Pai of Princeton University is working on saving web sites directly to computers so that places with little to no bandwith and computers with little RAM can view websites and have access to the internet. This is especially important in third world countries, but schools in the US could also benefit from this. Students who couldn't get online would now be able to use the internet for research and learning about subjects.

Erin F. Assignment #12a 4/8/2009

When researching emerging technologies that I could use in my elementary school classroom, I came across one I found very interesting. We have discussed digital storytelling in our EDCI320 class and I feel like it would help me immensely in my elementary school classroom. An exciting way to enhance literary development by involving music, song, story narration, and images is through multimedia and digital storytelling. Students are more apt to learn if they are excited by what is being taught and how it is being taught. Through the use of music, images, and the computer students are able to experience and really get the best out of what they are to be creating. This is probably better for the upper-elementary aged students and for sure the middle school and high school students. They can create plays, podcasts, music videos, and short movies over the topics they have reviewed in class.

Erin Feralio
Wednesday AM
Assignment #12a

Kristen E. Assignment #12a- pg 235 #5

When researching emerging technologies that have potential for use in the classroom, I came upon the Toshiba Portege 3500 Tablet PC. This computer is "meant to facilitate more efficient course material development for teachers and students". It is a merge of traditional classroom technology (blackboard) with computer based tools. The software of the Tablet include programs like Office XP, Windows Journal, Math Journal and xThink Calculator. Other PCs have these programs, but the Tablet also has the feature of the user being able to handwrite on the Tablet screen.
This technology has great potential for teachers and students. A teacher is able to write on the screen while projecting the image for the students to see. What the teacher writes can also be saved or printed. If a students has access to a Tablet PC, whether at their school or for personal use, they are able to perform task such as taking notes, doing math problems, recording and calculating science related equations, or writing for an english class. Some people feel that computer technology is creating a generation that doesn't know how to handwrite assignments, but by encorperating this technology in the modern day classroom, students will still be using this vital skill.

Dayna, M. Assignment 12a, #14 page 236

Reflection of Podcast Use as an Effective Educational Tool
Assignment 12a, #14 by Dayna Moriarty

Knowledge: Podcast technology was recently introduced to me during EDCI 320 class. Although I found it to be a “cool” technology, I questioned the use of it for educational purposes.
Persuasion: I currently have a favorable opinion of integrating podcast technology within the classroom. I intend to receive a Reading minor upon graduation and realize that I can incorporate the use of podcasts to asses not only content and technology learning objectives, but individual student reading progress as well.
Decision: I have thought of some ideas in how to incorporate students’ use of podcasts for effective content objectives, discussions, and assessments.
Implementation: Podcasts could be used to establish a weekly “Classroom News Radio”. The teacher could incorporate this into basically any content material where a small number of students participate each week with their contributions. All students would be able to participate in this over the course of a month or two, depending on the size of the weekly producing group of students. An educator could also use this technology to record each student’s oral reading ability at the beginning of the school year and then again at the end of the school year. This could be used to assess oral reading skill improvement which may motivate the reader who doesn’t like to read out loud.
Confirmation: I have not had the opportunity to confirm my favorable decision regarding the use of podcast as an effective educational tool, but optimistically look forward to it in the future.

#12a problem #11 - Jason Greenwald

Identify an educational use of an emerging technology. Describe the objectives for student learning both with and about the technology.

The emerging technology I have chosen is the podcast and I would like to employ it to help students improve their public speaking skills. While sitting in front of a computer is not the same as standing up in front an audience, recording practice speeches with a tool like Apple GarageBand can provide valuable feedback in a relatively low-pressure situation. It has been said that you can’t see the forest from the trees. When giving a speech, we are often so preoccupied we don’t notice things like vocal ticks ( or a lack of expression. By recording practice speeches, students can conveniently review the recordings for possible areas of improvement. This would be one objective of student learning with the technology.

The objective for student learning about the technology should cover how to open GarageBand (or an alternative application), record a simple podcast, playback the recording including how to pause and restart, and jump to different sections of the recording.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jessie Assignment #12a

pg. 235 #5
While researching emerging technologies online, I came across a virtual reality frog dissection software called "V-frog". The software is designed for biology education and is different from other multi-media products concerning dissection. V-frog is true virtual reality and is safe for students because there are no harsh chemicals or dangerous instruments. This also means no specimen or ecosystem is harmed and yet learning is accelerated. The license is going to be made cheap for schools and home systems so we can start improving the science skills of our students.
Jessie Mohr

Sunday, April 5, 2009

p. 235 #5

One thing I found online that was really interesting was Virtual Laboratories. Although these specific Virtual Labs were for college undergrads, I thought the idea was something that could be spread into other areas and levels of teaching. "Virtual Laboratories in a Virtual Learning Environment are indispensable spaces for developing practical activities. This proposes an integrated structure for Virtual Laboratories for undergraduate degree programmes in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. The general structure is based on the experience gained in designing and developing Virtual Laboratories during the past eleven years in a virtual university. Technological, pedagogical, strategic and academic staff resources are included in the Virtual Laboratories structure. The structure has been applied to different computer areas and this paper presents the special case of a Virtual Programming Laboratory." i-Jet Vol. 4 2009.
Nicole Evans

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Taylor E. - #12a

page 235 #5

When conducting a search on "emerging technologies"for 2009, I found one new technology that has huge potential for education. "Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art—and share your creations on the Web. Scratch is often described as a tool to teach kids how to program.At a second glance, it is a worldwide online community of children and adults who create together, share stories with each other, and connect in meaningful ways. But if you scratch the surface even more, you’ll find a rich environment, painstakingly designed to foster expression, learning, and engagement in people of all ages."

Taylor Erickson

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Storytime Musical Chairs

Title: Storytime Musical Chairs

Topic: Students practice creative writing and word processing skills.

Grade: 5th-6th grade

Materials: This activity requires a computer for each student.

Description: Students begin typing a story telling how they each spent their summer vacation. The teacher sets a timer and after three minutes, students rotate to the next computer and continue telling the story. After another three minutes, they rotate again. Students will make three rotations and after returning to their first computer, volunteers can read aloud the wackiest stories.



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Logan S. #1C Today In History

Title: Today In History

Topic: History

Grade: K-12


Idea: In this lesson plan students will be able to learn about past historical events that have happened on any day of the week